Thursday 1 September 2011

Third party fire and theft car insurance

Third Party Fire and Theft (TPFT) car insurance offers the same level of protection as third party insurance, as well as having the added benefit of offering a certain level of protection to your own car.
As with third party car insurance, Third party fire and theft covers damage to third parties, their property and passengers in the event of an accident but does not offer any recompense for damage sustained to your own vehicle. However, if your vehicle is stolen or damaged as a result of fire or theft then insurers will cover the cost of replacement or repair.

Is TPFT the best policy choice
right for you?

Third party fire and theft car insurance has always been seen as the better option for motorists with cheaper cars that would most likely be written-off by insurers in the event of an accident.
This is because the reduced level of cover generally meant that premium prices would be lower than fully comprehensive policies, particularly as insurers would have little to pay out on low value cars once the excesses had been paid.
But this is no longer the case as more and more motorists comparing prices at are finding that fully comprehensive car insurance actually works out cheaper than TPFT and offers a better level of protection. Remember, if you take out a TPFT insurance policy and you are at fault for an accident it is down to you to cover the cost of repair or replacement of your own vehicle.
And, now that fully comp rates are more competitive, it's definitely worth weighing up the potential benefits and savings and comparing the costs against third party fire and theft car insurance policies before making a decision.
It could well be the case that taking out a fully comprehensive policy will save you money on the price of the premium and save you even more should you have to make a claim.

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