Thursday 1 September 2011

First car insurance

Passing your driving test is an exciting time when the world seems to open up to you. Travelling suddenly seems so much easier.
However, you first have to pass the hurdle of buying your first car. This isn't just as easy as picking a car that looks nice, and your first car insurance policy will be a major consideration in this.

Rising car insurance prices
Car insurance prices are rising by 44p every single day, with the average driver now paying £791 each year.
These statistics slightly disguise the fact that newly qualified and young driver car insurance quotes are disproportionally high compared to those offered to older and more experienced motorists.
However, there are a number of other things that you can do to help bring down your first car insurance offers.

Choice of car

Every different make and model of car is placed in a car insurance group numbered between one and fifty. These are decided upon by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), whose decision is based on the overall car performance, its security features and the statistical likelihood of a motorist who owns that make of vehicle making an insurance claim.
Vehicles which are assigned to car insurance group one are generally the cheapest to insure. Newly qualified drivers who have recently passed their test should therefore opt for a vehicle which is in the lowest insurance group possible if you are concerned about the first car insurance quotes you will be offered.

Pass Plus insurance impact

Pass plus is an advanced driving course which is available to all newly qualified motorists. This usually consists of six modules covering elements of driving which were not covered on your initial lessons before you pass your test. These modules include motorway techniques, night time driving and how to cope with extreme weather conditions.
These are available through most driving instructors and will result in reduced car insurance premiums from the majority of insurers.

Choosing your first car insurance policy

Your first car insurance hunt can be incredibly complicated, with multiple different options to choose from and terms to take in. Things have become even more complicated on the back of the recent insurance price increases, with newly qualified drivers now being offered a number of different options which could help bring down their premiums.
One of these options is pay as you go car insurance, which is a new concept offered by an increasing number of insurers where a black box is placed in your vehicle in order to record the number of miles completed. This ensures that you are only paying for the miles you are going to be using and could well be a tactic to help combat those high initial buying costs.
An alternative to this might be short term car insurance. This could be a better alternative for newly qualified drivers who are going to be using a vehicle intermittently. There are a number of different types of short term car insurance to choose from, ranging paying for car insurance cover for one week or even just one day.

Compare your first car insurance offers
Of course the best way to find the right deal for you is to compare everything that's available on the marketplace. Unfortunately this can be very time consuming, but can help you in this task by comparing deals available through hundreds of different car insurance companies in a matter of moments.

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